Best Reads of 2020

This has not been an optimal year for reading. Concentration has been hard to come by between COVID anxiety, my father becoming my roommate ...

Admin 30 Dec, 2020

wednesday newstrip

Vatican says it's OK to get virus vaccines using abortion cell lines · Canadian gold miner finds 57,000-year-old wolf pup still covered ...

Admin 29 Dec, 2020

geographies: Dotswood

Admin 26 Dec, 2020

Van Gogh Alive at the Dali Museum

"Starry Night" Remember the moment in "Mary Poppins" when Mary, Bert and the kids jump into a chalk painting and find th...

Admin 22 Dec, 2020

wednesday newstrip

Black hole goes 'missing' from the center of distant galaxy Abell 2261 · Virginia to receive 100,000 fewer doses of COVID-19 vaccine...

Admin 22 Dec, 2020

dans le jardin

Admin 17 Dec, 2020

Anxious People by Fredrik Backman

You know what they say -- Laughter is the best medicine. I've found there's some truth to that, especially in these challenging time...

Admin 16 Dec, 2020

thursday newscomicstrip

Today the postwoman brought me $266,400 from the Liberty Center for God & Country to surveil a van over four days, run it off the road, ...

Admin 16 Dec, 2020

wednesday newstrip

Astronomers just found cosmic 'superhighways' for fast travel through the Solar System · suspected Russian hackers target US Treasur...

Admin 15 Dec, 2020

geographies: Kynuna

Admin 14 Dec, 2020

Today the post- woman brought me a CD of DoNuts T.®ump trying to recite The Star- Spangled Banner when I'd asked for a sharp-angled span...

Admin 13 Dec, 2020

Art in Common Places: Judy Levine and Jeanne Marie Beaumont

It's one thing to conceptualize a project pairing artists and poets to create a work together and quite another to find people who can s...

Admin 10 Dec, 2020

geographies: Coolmunda

Admin 10 Dec, 2020

[會後新聞稿] 201209 幼兒園美語熱已經發高燒四十度! 籲請家長保護小孩,政府慎勿火上加油!

幼兒園美語熱已經發高燒四十度! 籲請家長保護小孩,政府慎勿火上加油! 針對「雙語國家」政策幼兒園法規鬆綁的建言記者會會後新聞稿  教育部為配合行政院國發會2030雙語國家政策,發布預告修正「幼兒教保及照顧服務實施準則」第13條,擬刪除現行條文──幼兒園「不得採全日、半日或分科之外...

Admin 9 Dec, 2020

[新聞稿] 201209 幼兒園美語熱已經發高燒四十度! 籲請家長保護小孩,政府慎勿火上加油!

幼兒園美語熱已經發高燒四十度! 籲請家長保護小孩,政府慎勿火上加油! 托育政策催生聯盟針對「雙語國家」政策幼兒園法規鬆綁的建言  台灣的幼兒園違法美語「疫情」,延燒至少二、三十年。根據幼兒語言專家張湘君形容,「已經發高燒四十度」。早在2003年她於光華雜誌的著名訪談即提到,當時她...

Admin 9 Dec, 2020

wednesday newstrip

The wings of insects might have evolved from the legs of crustaceans · Rudely GuiliAndrews said the (T.®ump) campaign doesn't need court...

Admin 8 Dec, 2020

[澄清回應稿] 201205 國小課後照顧服統計指標計算方式

托育政策催生聯盟回應-國小課後照顧服統計指標計算方式  2020/12/05  托育政策催生聯盟於本週三召開 「0-12歲公共托育服務,不能忘記公立國小課後照顧」記者會 ,呼籲教育部提升公立國小課後照顧服務涵蓋率。經媒體報導後,有政府單位指出托盟公布的數據有誤,並要求改正。托盟在...

Admin 5 Dec, 2020

geographies: Dirranbandi

Admin 4 Dec, 2020

Art in Common Places, Part 1

"Clockwork: Six Weeks in July"  by Vicki Randall; "Time Has No Face" (excerpt) by Alison Watkins Art in Common Places is...

Admin 3 Dec, 2020

[會後新聞稿] 201202 0-12歲公共托育服務,不能忘記公立國小課後照顧—— 請教育部提升公立國小課後照顧服務涵蓋率!

0-12歲公共托育服務,不能忘記公立國小課後照顧—— 請教育部提升公立國小課後照顧服務涵蓋率! 【2020/12/02托育政策催生聯盟會後新聞稿】  托育政策催生聯盟今天召開記者會,呼籲0-12歲不間斷的公共托育服務,不能忘記公立國小課後照顧。 托育政策催生聯盟發言人王兆慶指出...

Admin 2 Dec, 2020

[新聞稿] 201202 0-12歲公共托育服務,不能忘記公立國小課後照顧—— 請教育部提升公立國小課後照顧服務涵蓋率!

0-12歲公共托育服務,不能忘記公立國小課後照顧——  請教育部提升公立國小課後照顧服務涵蓋率! 2020年12月托育政策催生聯盟政策建言 台灣公共托育服務各階段都是抽籤、排隊、量能不足,6-12歲國小課後照顧服務尤其能見度有限。但其實無論6-12歲或2-...

Admin 2 Dec, 2020

wednesday newstrip

Cyberpunk 2077 won't support raytracing on AMD cards at launch · Faizon Love sues Universal over omission from Couples Retreat movie pos...

Admin 1 Dec, 2020

The print parts of Otoliths issue fifty-nine are now available

The print parts of Otoliths issue fifty-nine are now available from The Otoliths Storefront at Lulu. Details are below. Lulu generally runs ...

Admin 30 Nov, 2020

Today the post- woman brought me the new collection of short poems by DoNuts T.®ump entitled Massive fraud has been found. A sample example:...

Admin 29 Nov, 2020

geographies: Bongeen

Admin 26 Nov, 2020

Recently, at Series Magritte

Representation II The orchestra under the cypress tree kicks into life. A few bars; & then the scene we're watching on the small scr...

Admin 25 Nov, 2020

On the Hunt for Public Art

With "Nobody's Listening" by Jack Cartlidge Sarasota is chock full of public art. It's one of the many things I love abou...

Admin 24 Nov, 2020