geographies: Malmö

Admin 29 Dec, 2017

a transit in interpretation

Admin 27 Dec, 2017

wednesday newstrip

The Dotard receives his Christmas wish. The U.S. has been exorcized from the surface of this planet & now shines gloriously from space. ...

Admin 26 Dec, 2017

the return of the hapsburgs

Admin 24 Dec, 2017

co pro mo

Admin 22 Dec, 2017

now out from gradient books

Circus economies. In this iteration, DoNuts T®ump currently has the top billing under the Big Top, but nobody is sure what rôle he is playin...

Admin 20 Dec, 2017

wednesday newstrip

DoNuts T®ump having difficulty deciding which century to send the United States back to. Settles on the Third, because he's fairly certa...

Admin 19 Dec, 2017

a passage across

Admin 17 Dec, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Bitcoin price surges as Melb couple is accused of horrifically abusing woman kept as slave for 8 years · 'I will kill you.' Coalitio...

Admin 12 Dec, 2017

geographies: Manchester

Admin 9 Dec, 2017

incidental to #3

Admin 7 Dec, 2017

wednesday newstrip

DoNuts T®ump forges ahead with plans to recognise Mar-a-lago as Israel's capital despite warnings. Font on teleprompter wasn’t large eno...

Admin 5 Dec, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Flat-earther to launch himself in homemade steam rocket Saturday to show why you shouldn't buy an Amazon Echo or Google Home as a gift, ...

Admin 28 Nov, 2017

the staff of — oops

Admin 25 Nov, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Woman, 42, charged with the murder of her wealthy sheep farmer partner. Mr Dunbar's body was reportedly found on the property on the tow...

Admin 21 Nov, 2017

the dollar sign

Admin 18 Nov, 2017

text tile #3

Admin 15 Nov, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Facebook is killing off the Messenger Day brand & merging the chat app’s stories feature with Facebook Stories after discovering Austral...

Admin 14 Nov, 2017

suicide squad

Admin 12 Nov, 2017

incidental to

Admin 10 Nov, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Japanese host Shinzo Abe forced to play second fiddle to ego of DoNuts T®ump. Mental health is your problem here, this isn't a guns situ...

Admin 7 Nov, 2017

text tile #2

Admin 6 Nov, 2017

you're kidding me

Admin 5 Nov, 2017

I remarked on this

in the days of Bush. Even more appropriate now. “The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first ...

Admin 3 Nov, 2017

random salamanders

Now out. A Wanton Text Production. "Mark Young's playful and allusive new book of poetry engages words as both sources and objects....

Admin 2 Nov, 2017

text tile #1

Admin 1 Nov, 2017

wednesday newstrip

T®ump's endless spats & Twitter tantrums reveal a man who is thin-skinned, self-obsessed, & pathetically insecure · Google shrug...

Admin 31 Oct, 2017

[recycled] the directions of emotion

What lips my lips have kissed, & where, & why, I have forgotten, & what arms have lain under my head till morning; but the rain ...

Admin 30 Oct, 2017

the bulb, in splendor

Admin 26 Oct, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Science says your brain is still aware when you've just died · want to control your dreams? Here are 3 tricks to induce lucid dreaming —...

Admin 24 Oct, 2017

Le pont Mirabeau

Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine Et nos amours Faut-il qu'il m'en souvienne La joie venait toujours après la ...

Admin 23 Oct, 2017


Admin 18 Oct, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Cabinet dumps Clean Energy Target for new 'affordable, reliable' power plan now available because an out-of-control Chinese space la...

Admin 17 Oct, 2017


Admin 15 Oct, 2017


Admin 12 Oct, 2017

Today the postman brought me a considered rebuttal of John Knox's The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regimen of Women....

Admin 11 Oct, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Hairdresser taunted men he infected with HIV during 'cynical campaign.' Hollywood is asking if this is the end of Harvey Weinstein ·...

Admin 10 Oct, 2017


Admin 7 Oct, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Who knew a dog could be a victim of homophobia? Dog owner claims her two-year-old Cavoodle ate human faeces & got stoned · starting on O...

Admin 3 Oct, 2017

cadence or credence?

Admin 1 Oct, 2017

wednesday newstrip

JahRed Kushioner used private email account for Wheat House business · archaeologists uncover proof of how ancient Egyptians built the Great...

Admin 26 Sept, 2017


marquis marquee de sade

Admin 23 Sept, 2017

Today the postman brought me an abacus. "Does it still work?" I asked. "I wouldn't count on it," he replied.

Admin 22 Sept, 2017

transport corps

Admin 20 Sept, 2017

[記者會] 170920 請賴院長善用「公共托育經濟學」 一舉解決台灣女性低勞參、低生育的雙低困境!

總統蔡英文日前宣布,期許新任行政院長賴清德打拼「七大任務」,其中兩大任務為「保持在經濟轉型中,產業所需的人力和彈性」,以及「積極因應人口老化及少子化」。 蔡總統確切指出了台灣的危機:勞動力匱乏、少子高齡化。而這些危機的兩項指標──即「女性低勞參率」和「低生育率」──如果持續走低,...

Admin 20 Sept, 2017

wednesday newstrip

What shape is that galaxy? Here's a likely model — Sydney bride holds out a DoNut bouquet on her wedding day · Consent condoms' conf...

Admin 19 Sept, 2017

a    moral     mbiguitya

Admin 16 Sept, 2017


Admin 14 Sept, 2017

wednesday newstrip

DoNuts T®ump 'jealous of Kuwaiti ruler's plane because it's bigger than his' · plastic surgery addict left with permanent er...

Admin 12 Sept, 2017

on the waterfront

Admin 11 Sept, 2017


m thr st assh o o o o o o o o o o o uth at mach le

Admin 9 Sept, 2017


Admin 8 Sept, 2017

wednesday newstrip

T®ump returns to Harvey-hit Texas telling reporters he had seen "a lot of discount Aldi garden furniture" in the devastation the s...

Admin 5 Sept, 2017

geographies: Campaspe

Admin 4 Sept, 2017


Admin 2 Sept, 2017

Tooth Function

Cutting & crushing & curved back- wards. Much like fan blades with a rigid, hybrid de- sign. Keeps the mouth cool. Like menthol. Tur...

Admin 1 Sept, 2017


Admin 30 Aug, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Former Prom Minister Toe Knee AssBit confesses he was passed out drunk during an important parliamentary vote · Greeks lose credit for trigo...

Admin 29 Aug, 2017

Today the postman brought me a diktat from the Governor of Texas stating that Hurricane Harvey was an act of God in- telligently de- signed ...

Admin 26 Aug, 2017


Admin 24 Aug, 2017

a / stranger in / a strange (g)land

priupic hedownism

Admin 23 Aug, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter blasted Precedent T®ump's decision to fire chief strategist Stephen Bannon, saying it was "…sa...

Admin 22 Aug, 2017


Admin 20 Aug, 2017

Noh "no action"

Sometimes spectators of the Noh say that the moments of "no action" are the most enjoyable. This is one of the actor's secret ...

Admin 18 Aug, 2017


Admin 16 Aug, 2017

[記者會][會後新聞稿] 170816 「前瞻」請加油 —— 讓0-6歲公共托育無縫接軌!

「前瞻」 請 加 油——讓0-6歲公共托育無縫接軌! 【8/16會後新聞稿】   托育政策催生聯盟今日召開記者會,要求「前瞻」計畫應讓0-6歲公共托育無縫接軌。包括以「公共化幼兒園+公共家園」的一加一模式,以及「六年內達成公私比四比六」的目標,讓0-6歲有托育需求的家...

Admin 16 Aug, 2017

[記者會] 170816「前瞻」請加油 —— 讓0-6歲公共托育無縫接軌!

「前瞻」請加油—— 讓0-6歲公共托育無縫接軌! 托育政策催生聯盟2017年爸爸月聲明稿   立法院將於八月下旬召開臨時會,審查「前瞻基礎建設計畫」第一期特別預算,包括106-109年的「前瞻基礎建設計畫:少子化友善育兒空間建設」。其中,教育部編列建置大量2-6歲公共化幼兒園(非...

Admin 16 Aug, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Fleas carrying the bubonic plague have been found in Arizona · Teen Choice Awards hit somber note — men are snapping penis pics & AirDro...

Admin 15 Aug, 2017

L'Aube à Cayenne (Series Magritte #314)

The transition to full horti- culture comes at a cost. A six-hour flight, custom-built containers, the whole year as a graph where the darke...

Admin 12 Aug, 2017

wednesday newstrip

UN imposes new sanctions on North Korea following surveillance footage capture of freight train lurking in neighbor's attic · Melburnian...

Admin 8 Aug, 2017


Admin 5 Aug, 2017

Today the postman brought me a broken promise. "Do you want that before or after the m?" he asked.

Admin 3 Aug, 2017


Admin 2 Aug, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Sydney terror plot to resolve same-sex marriage debate with 'meat mincer bomb' foiled · Ashley Madison relaunches in Australia: poli...

Admin 1 Aug, 2017

Otoliths issue forty-six is live

Otoliths issue forty-six, the southern winter 2017 issue, has just gone live. I had hoped to get Anthony Scaramucci to do the launch as one ...

Admin 31 Jul, 2017

an open letter

Admin 26 Jul, 2017

wednesday newstrip

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway wouldn’t have lasted a week in the Bush administration, according to President George W. Bush’s chief...

Admin 25 Jul, 2017

Today the postman brought me his new libretto, called The Pantoum of The Opera- ting Theater. I suggested a slight name change & a reloc...

Admin 23 Jul, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Game of Thrones wins ratings with record audience but Saudi Arabian video of woman in miniskirt comes a close second · woman seriously injur...

Admin 18 Jul, 2017


Admin 17 Jul, 2017


Admin 15 Jul, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Israeli diplomat says fixing his toilet is more important than the UNESCO Hebron resolution · Vatican outlaws gluten-free bread for Holy Com...

Admin 11 Jul, 2017


Admin 10 Jul, 2017


Admin 8 Jul, 2017

[記者會][會後新聞稿] 170510 面對少子女化,莫濫發現金; 解決少子女化,請衛福部修「兒權法」推動公共托育!

給我看得到、吃得到的0-2歲公共托育 廣設公共保母、公共托育家園記者會  2017/5/10會後新聞稿 托育政策催生聯盟今日(5/10)上午召開「廣設公共保母、公共托育家園」記者會,喊出「0-2歲公共托育要看得到、吃得到,還欠2塊新拼圖」的訴求。聯盟召集人劉毓秀指出,台灣長期苦於...

Admin 11 May, 2017

[記者會] 170510 廣設「公共保母+公共托育家園」 給我看得到、吃得到的0-2歲公共托育!

廣設「公共保母+公共托育家園」 給我看得到、吃得到的0-2歲公共托育! 托育政策催生聯盟政策建言2017/05/10   台灣0-2歲公共托育量能不足的問題,比2-6歲公共托育更為嚴重。教育部已承諾2-6歲大力推動非營利幼兒園,讓托育服務的公私比例由「3:7」提升為「4:6」,原...

Admin 10 May, 2017

[澄清] 托盟:衛福部推公共托育 應採「公共化居家托育」,而非「公私協力嬰中心」

托盟:衛福部推公共托育 應採「公共化居家托育」,而非「公私協力嬰中心」   托育政策催生聯盟今日呼籲衛福部推動公共托育,但據聞,已有立法委員主張公共托育等於「推動公私協力托嬰中心」。 我們要澄清——0-2歲托育有「居家式」及「機構式」兩種型態,公私協力托嬰中心僅屬於機構式。然而,...

Admin 19 Apr, 2017

[記者會][會後新聞稿] 170419 面對少子女化,莫濫發現金; 解決少子女化,請衛福部修「兒權法」推動公共托育!

面對少子女化,莫濫發現金; 解決少子女化,請衛福部修「兒權法」推動公共托育! 托育政策催生聯盟 / 記者會會後新聞稿 2017.04.19       托育政策催生聯盟今日召開記者會主張,衛福部少子化辦公室應修訂「兒童及少年福利與權益保障法」,效法教育部推動廣設非營利幼兒園,也為...

Admin 19 Apr, 2017

[記者會][新聞稿] 170419 衛福部少子化對策辦公室,切莫濫發現金

衛福部少子化對策辦公室,切莫濫發現金 請先修訂《兒童及少年福利與權益保障法》 學學教育部,推出三萬個公共托育名額! 托育政策催生聯盟回應衛福部少子女化「誤」策聲明 2017/04/19   衛福部前任部長林奏延上周說,為提振生育率,「六歲以下小孩國家養」;現任部長陳時中回應,會成...

Admin 19 Apr, 2017

[大事記] 2016 托盟大事記

2016托盟大事記 時間 內容 類型 2016.08.08 國中、小廣設非營利幼兒園,讓父親輕鬆育兒!托育政策催生聯盟2016八八節呼籲 記者會 2016.05.17 未來「薪」希望─ ─給我非營利幼兒園!托...

Admin 17 Jan, 2017