Today the
postman brought
me a diktat from
the Governor of
Texas stating
that Hurricane
Harvey was an
act of God in-
telligently de-
signed to either
drive illegal
immigrants out
& onto the high-
ways where they
can be caught by
the Border Patrol
will be staying open
for business—or
to keep them in
their homes, too
frightened to risk
venturing out be-
cause of the afore-
postman brought
me a diktat from
the Governor of
Texas stating
that Hurricane
Harvey was an
act of God in-
telligently de-
signed to either
drive illegal
immigrants out
& onto the high-
ways where they
can be caught by
the Border Patrol
will be staying open
for business—or
to keep them in
their homes, too
frightened to risk
venturing out be-
cause of the afore-