March 2015

wednesday newstrip

The Large Hadron Collider reveals it got a boob job ∙ the Australian government is changing how it expresses climate change targets in a way...

Admin 31 Mar, 2015

A line from Tomas Tranströmer

Any attempt to re- cover & reconstitute the lost origins of the myths du site du reggae dancehall en France has historically been based ...

Admin 30 Mar, 2015


Admin 28 Mar, 2015

Today the postman brought me a cartouche. "What's this?" I asked.                                 he said.

Admin 27 Mar, 2015

the marsh

Admin 25 Mar, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Farms, roads, & alleged homophobic slurs are fast slicing up the world's wilderness, leaving 70 per cent of the world's remainin...

Admin 24 Mar, 2015


Admin 22 Mar, 2015

Today the postman brought me an audio recording of the love that dare not speak its name.

Admin 21 Mar, 2015

Ass-Bit ass-bitten

or Found in the Corridas of Power, a bull with a blue tie & an IQ to match.

Admin 20 Mar, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Toe Knee Ass-Bit surprised onlookers while on a factory visit in rural Tasmania by biting into & eating a mouthful of raw onion. Members...

Admin 17 Mar, 2015

geographies: Anabranch

Admin 14 Mar, 2015

the transcript

Admin 11 Mar, 2015

[新聞.評論] 幼照法修法需要你我的關心!

3月7日全民護幼大遊行,有上萬人參加。然而直到遊行的最後,教育部也只是勉強同意公共化是他們推動的方向,但始終沒有承諾維持非營利幼兒園「非營利」、由公益性質法人承辦的現行法! 之後幼照法的修法動態,仍需要你我的密切關注! 延伸閱讀: 1.  行政院版幼照法第九條第一項 2.  行政...

Admin 11 Mar, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Documents show Prom Minister Toe Knee Ass-Bit's "absolutely crystal clear" promise that cleaners' wages would not be reduc...

Admin 10 Mar, 2015

geographies: Millaroo

Admin 8 Mar, 2015

[聲明] 150305 我們要非營利幼兒園,不要假公濟私幼兒園!

我們要非營利幼兒園,不要假公濟私幼兒園! 150305 托育政策催生聯盟聲明 立法院新會期開始,行政院版「幼兒教育及照顧法」又將闖關。我們發現行政院版幼照法第九條,捨棄現有的「非營利幼兒園」制度、捨棄承辦團體的公益性。托育政策催生聯盟擔心,政府欲將公共資源五鬼搬運送入私立業者口袋...

Admin 5 Mar, 2015

[活動] 3/7 下午2:00凱道,全民護幼大遊行

[求擴散] 立法院新的會期開始,行政院版「幼兒教育及照顧法」又即將闖關!! 行政院版幼照法,捨棄「非營利幼兒園」、捨棄幼教公益性,欲將公共資源五鬼搬運送入私立業者口袋,此舉將使得台灣幼教環境更將加艱困! 看看松菸!看看大巨蛋!我們還要放任我們的國家資源被賣出多少?! 3/7 請大...

Admin 4 Mar, 2015

wednesday newstrip

An Auckland dairy company says that though the Australian coal industry is competing aggressively it will not be taking over the New Zealand...

Admin 3 Mar, 2015

Today the postman brought me the large-print edition of Life in The Fast Lane.

Admin 1 Mar, 2015

[活動] 縣市長選舉過後,非營利幼兒園建置待監督

本次縣市長選舉,簽署承諾書的候選人當中,共有 13 名當選。托育政策催生聯盟將持續監督當選人就任縣市長後推動非營利幼兒園的進度! 也請大家持續邀請親朋好友、遭遇托育困境的爸媽們至 我要非營利幼兒園連署網站 參加連署吧!也歡迎您跟我們分享您的經歷!

Admin 1 Mar, 2015