[大事記] 2015 托盟大事記

2015 年 托盟大事記   日期 活動 2015.01.09 發表 擴大托育補助,應避免「補多少、漲多少」歪風 聲明 2015.01.14 舉辦 幼兒園政策?黑箱作業大轉彎 「非營利」幼兒園,將墮落為「圖利」幼兒園 記者會 ...

Admin 31 Dec, 2015

[新聞.評論] 托育大哉問! 政策牛肉 誰打動父母心?


Admin 29 Dec, 2015

[記者會][聲明] 151021 2016新政府需要「托育三支箭」

2016 新政府需要「托育三支箭」 平價優質托育,不該只是富裕城市的福利! 托育政策催生聯盟聲明稿 2015.10.21    終於到位的 2016 台灣總統候選人,托育政策未來藍圖為何?   台北市長柯文哲傳出明年將跟進台中市的腳步,加碼托育補助, 0-2 歲嬰幼兒托育負擔將達...

Admin 21 Oct, 2015

[記者會][會後新聞稿] 151021 2016新政府,需要「托育三支箭」

2016 新政府,需要「托育三支箭」 2015/10/21 托育政策催生聯盟會後新聞稿 托育政策催生聯盟今日指出,台北市長柯文哲傳出明年將跟進台中市腳步,加碼 0-2 歲嬰幼兒托育補助三千元。但「加碼補助」及「保母管理」的政策,不應限於台北、台中等富裕城市,聯盟呼籲 2016 總...

Admin 21 Oct, 2015

able was I

Admin 5 Oct, 2015

the directions of emotion

What lips my lips have kissed, & where, & why, I have forgotten, & what arms have lain under my head till morning; but the rain ...

Admin 4 Oct, 2015


Admin 3 Oct, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Archaeologists have excavated ex-Prom Minister Toe Knee Ass-Bit from a Pre-Roman era tomb at Pompeii, the town buried in a 79AD volcanic eru...

Admin 29 Sept, 2015

Can we go now?

Admin 25 Sept, 2015

The 2015 Ig Nobel Awards

It's been a while since I noted one of my favorite lists. I'm rectifying that omission now. CHEMISTRY PRIZE — For inventing a chemic...

Admin 24 Sept, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Three new bee species with unusually narrow heads & long mouths have been discovered by Oroton Group's big-ticket handbags, pushing ...

Admin 22 Sept, 2015


Admin 21 Sept, 2015

Adrenal Fatigue

Admin 18 Sept, 2015


Admin 16 Sept, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Commonwealth Bank services have returned to normal after a problem with electronic transactions left customers stranded in the midst of the ...

Admin 15 Sept, 2015

The transposition of desires

Admin 13 Sept, 2015


Admin 11 Sept, 2015

Point CANAVERAL, a found poem

An important acoustic guitar on a $1 dollar billion NASA satellite has futile, minimizing scientists’ the trap files to really appraise the ...

Admin 10 Sept, 2015


Admin 9 Sept, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Prom Minister Toe Knee Ass-Bit says the "very sad" images of a Syrian boy lying lifeless on a Turkish beach demonstrate the need f...

Admin 8 Sept, 2015


Admin 6 Sept, 2015


Admin 4 Sept, 2015

Today the postman brought me a capital letter. It felt like a small case of déjà vu.

Admin 3 Sept, 2015

Border Fence - for Márton Koppány

"Politicians love fences, but what fences do is create major humanitarian problems & a market for smugglers." —New York Times

Admin 2 Sept, 2015

wednesday newstrip

The Royal New Zealand SPCA has defended the actions of police officers who shot dead an eight-inch penis that was causing chaos in the stree...

Admin 1 Sept, 2015


Admin 29 Aug, 2015


Admin 26 Aug, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Within minutes of the immense chemical explosions that sent apocalyptic fireballs into the night sky over Tianjin, hackers claimed it was th...

Admin 25 Aug, 2015


Admin 24 Aug, 2015


Admin 19 Aug, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Prom Minister Toe Knee Ass-Bit, facing a push on same-sex marriage, has attempted to avoid the subject by announcing that what was once Goog...

Admin 18 Aug, 2015

shed shy turn and

Admin 15 Aug, 2015

Today the postman brought me The City That Never Sleeps. "I'm here for some R&R" it said," & promptly crashed out...

Admin 12 Aug, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Plants can't feel pain or hunger like animals, but their cells can unite for a funky live cover of Queens of the Stone Age's "I...

Admin 11 Aug, 2015

latest edition

Admin 9 Aug, 2015


Admin 7 Aug, 2015


Admin 5 Aug, 2015

wednesday newstrip

A Jehovah's Witness elder told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that he believed a young woman ha...

Admin 4 Aug, 2015

geographies: Happy Valley

Admin 1 Aug, 2015

Issue thirty-eight of Otoliths is now live

Issue thirty-eight of Otoliths, the southern winter, 2015, issue, has just gone live, & let me confess that even I am amazed by the qual...

Admin 31 Jul, 2015

wednesday newstrip

A British newspaper suggests that footage showing the Queen performing a Nazi salute as a child could have been deliberately leaked by Austr...

Admin 28 Jul, 2015


Admin 27 Jul, 2015

for Hernán Cortés

Admin 25 Jul, 2015


Admin 23 Jul, 2015

brohemia 4

Admin 22 Jul, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Prom Minister Toe Knee Ass-Bit has shed his clothes for a new Calvin Klein advertisement & popped fans' eyes by posting it on Instag...

Admin 21 Jul, 2015

[記者會][聲明] 150721居家式托育收費基準訂定步驟建言

居家式托育收費基準訂定步驟建言 托育政策催生聯盟 2015.07 各縣市收費上限審議示範案例 (一)新北市中和區 五大指標 中和 Q1-Q3 15000-16000 16000-17000 16000-18000 中位數...

Admin 21 Jul, 2015