January 2021

Storytellers: Faith Ringgold + Aminah Robinson at Ringling College, Part 1

"People of the Book: Jericho Girl" (oil, watercolor and fabric) (2000)  Timing is everything. And there's both no better -- an...

Admin 30 Jan, 2021


The elephants marched in two by two to keep the strudel alive.

Admin 27 Jan, 2021

wednesday newstrip

Unique 'super-puff' planet discovered 212 light years away from Earth is as big as Jupiter but 10 TIMES lighter · what is Google dor...

Admin 26 Jan, 2021

geographies: Firenze

Admin 25 Jan, 2021


Admin 23 Jan, 2021

geographies: Womblebank

Admin 20 Jan, 2021

wednesday newstrip

As of January 8, the T.®ump administration had built just 47 miles of border wall where none existed before · Twitch’s Pogchamp removal was ...

Admin 19 Jan, 2021

c'est / la durée / de cette vidéo

The episode's encoding is complete. An elaborate mortuary assemblage & ...

Admin 18 Jan, 2021

choking the bucket

Admin 15 Jan, 2021

geographies: Cairdbeign

Admin 13 Jan, 2021

[會後新聞稿] 210113學前英語教育政策,不需修法,只需落實 籲請家長不要浪費錢、不要害小孩

學前英語教育政策,不需修法,只需落實  籲請家長不要浪費錢、不要害小孩 【2021/01/13托育政策催生聯盟會後新聞稿】  托育政策催生聯盟今日二度召開記者會,反對教育部刪除「幼兒教保及照顧服務實施準則」第13條──幼兒園「不得採全日、半日或分科之外語教學」之規定。  托育政策...

Admin 13 Jan, 2021

[新聞稿] 210113 學前英語教育政策,不需修法,只需落實  籲請家長不要浪費錢、不要害小孩

學前英語教育政策,不需修法,只需落實 籲請家長不要浪費錢、不要害小孩 托育政策催生聯盟針對「雙語國家」政策幼兒園法規鬆綁的二次建言 政策設計是邏輯的問題、數學的問題、民情與事理的問題,要顧國家的荷包、人民的荷包,更要為所有人民與整體社會的福祉而有所堅持。    ——托育政...

Admin 13 Jan, 2021

wednesday newstrip

Britney Spears' ex-husband of 55 hours attended the pro-T.®ump protest in DC where rioters stormed the Capitol · Russia & NZ in &#39...

Admin 12 Jan, 2021

Exploring Myakka River State Park

A moment of non-social distancing with Libbie and Deb  Florida has many, many issues, but winter weather isn't one of them. Being able t...

Admin 8 Jan, 2021

geographies: Iyah

Admin 7 Jan, 2021

wednesday newstrip

Solar Orbiter probe makes its first Venus flyby · how to check your holiday rental for hidden surveillance cameras · the United Arab Emirate...

Admin 5 Jan, 2021

geographies: Proserpine

Admin 2 Jan, 2021


Admin 1 Jan, 2021