April 2020

A Bit of Old Florida in Sarasota

Path in Red Bug Slough Preserve In the good old pre-virus days, when I was out and about and spent a lot of time in my car, I'd occasion...

Admin 27 Apr, 2020

Hearing from Author Emily St. John Mandel

Emily St. John Mandel with Amber Sparks I've been thinking a lot about Emily St. John Mandel since the coronavirus broke out. Not about ...

Admin 20 Apr, 2020

Enjoying the Barnes from Afar

"Redheaded Girl in Evening Dress" by Modigliani (1918) I have assiduously followed the advice that there's no need to be produ...

Admin 15 Apr, 2020

Embracing Our Differences 2020 Exhibit

"I Have a Dream" by Shangxi Wu , an 11th grader from Pleasanton, CA For the 17th year running, Embracing Our Differences has organ...

Admin 11 Apr, 2020

Salvador Dali: Gardens of the Mind at Selby Gardens

With Wanda Seeing a local gem from a visitor's perspective is always an eye-opening experience. (Feel free to groan.) Bad puns aside, th...

Admin 2 Apr, 2020