September 2017

wednesday newstrip

JahRed Kushioner used private email account for Wheat House business · archaeologists uncover proof of how ancient Egyptians built the Great...

Admin 26 Sept, 2017


marquis marquee de sade

Admin 23 Sept, 2017

Today the postman brought me an abacus. "Does it still work?" I asked. "I wouldn't count on it," he replied.

Admin 22 Sept, 2017

transport corps

Admin 20 Sept, 2017

[記者會] 170920 請賴院長善用「公共托育經濟學」 一舉解決台灣女性低勞參、低生育的雙低困境!

總統蔡英文日前宣布,期許新任行政院長賴清德打拼「七大任務」,其中兩大任務為「保持在經濟轉型中,產業所需的人力和彈性」,以及「積極因應人口老化及少子化」。 蔡總統確切指出了台灣的危機:勞動力匱乏、少子高齡化。而這些危機的兩項指標──即「女性低勞參率」和「低生育率」──如果持續走低,...

Admin 20 Sept, 2017

wednesday newstrip

What shape is that galaxy? Here's a likely model — Sydney bride holds out a DoNut bouquet on her wedding day · Consent condoms' conf...

Admin 19 Sept, 2017

a    moral     mbiguitya

Admin 16 Sept, 2017


Admin 14 Sept, 2017

wednesday newstrip

DoNuts T®ump 'jealous of Kuwaiti ruler's plane because it's bigger than his' · plastic surgery addict left with permanent er...

Admin 12 Sept, 2017

on the waterfront

Admin 11 Sept, 2017


m thr st assh o o o o o o o o o o o uth at mach le

Admin 9 Sept, 2017


Admin 8 Sept, 2017

wednesday newstrip

T®ump returns to Harvey-hit Texas telling reporters he had seen "a lot of discount Aldi garden furniture" in the devastation the s...

Admin 5 Sept, 2017

geographies: Campaspe

Admin 4 Sept, 2017


Admin 2 Sept, 2017

Tooth Function

Cutting & crushing & curved back- wards. Much like fan blades with a rigid, hybrid de- sign. Keeps the mouth cool. Like menthol. Tur...

Admin 1 Sept, 2017