August 2017


Admin 30 Aug, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Former Prom Minister Toe Knee AssBit confesses he was passed out drunk during an important parliamentary vote · Greeks lose credit for trigo...

Admin 29 Aug, 2017

Today the postman brought me a diktat from the Governor of Texas stating that Hurricane Harvey was an act of God in- telligently de- signed ...

Admin 26 Aug, 2017


Admin 24 Aug, 2017

a / stranger in / a strange (g)land

priupic hedownism

Admin 23 Aug, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter blasted Precedent T®ump's decision to fire chief strategist Stephen Bannon, saying it was "…sa...

Admin 22 Aug, 2017


Admin 20 Aug, 2017

Noh "no action"

Sometimes spectators of the Noh say that the moments of "no action" are the most enjoyable. This is one of the actor's secret ...

Admin 18 Aug, 2017


Admin 16 Aug, 2017

[記者會][會後新聞稿] 170816 「前瞻」請加油 —— 讓0-6歲公共托育無縫接軌!

「前瞻」 請 加 油——讓0-6歲公共托育無縫接軌! 【8/16會後新聞稿】   托育政策催生聯盟今日召開記者會,要求「前瞻」計畫應讓0-6歲公共托育無縫接軌。包括以「公共化幼兒園+公共家園」的一加一模式,以及「六年內達成公私比四比六」的目標,讓0-6歲有托育需求的家...

Admin 16 Aug, 2017

[記者會] 170816「前瞻」請加油 —— 讓0-6歲公共托育無縫接軌!

「前瞻」請加油—— 讓0-6歲公共托育無縫接軌! 托育政策催生聯盟2017年爸爸月聲明稿   立法院將於八月下旬召開臨時會,審查「前瞻基礎建設計畫」第一期特別預算,包括106-109年的「前瞻基礎建設計畫:少子化友善育兒空間建設」。其中,教育部編列建置大量2-6歲公共化幼兒園(非...

Admin 16 Aug, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Fleas carrying the bubonic plague have been found in Arizona · Teen Choice Awards hit somber note — men are snapping penis pics & AirDro...

Admin 15 Aug, 2017

L'Aube à Cayenne (Series Magritte #314)

The transition to full horti- culture comes at a cost. A six-hour flight, custom-built containers, the whole year as a graph where the darke...

Admin 12 Aug, 2017

wednesday newstrip

UN imposes new sanctions on North Korea following surveillance footage capture of freight train lurking in neighbor's attic · Melburnian...

Admin 8 Aug, 2017


Admin 5 Aug, 2017

Today the postman brought me a broken promise. "Do you want that before or after the m?" he asked.

Admin 3 Aug, 2017


Admin 2 Aug, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Sydney terror plot to resolve same-sex marriage debate with 'meat mincer bomb' foiled · Ashley Madison relaunches in Australia: poli...

Admin 1 Aug, 2017