February 2015

the highway

Admin 28 Feb, 2015

the part

Admin 25 Feb, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Khloe & Kim Kardashian are safe after using the same antioxidant that keeps goldfish gold & flamingos pink, The Biggest Loser traine...

Admin 24 Feb, 2015

jamjaruary jaunts

@ won des laits lacanthropic deminted hairgelhorn invideos brohemian happenumbra

Admin 23 Feb, 2015


Admin 21 Feb, 2015

Just out

as an e-book from Lars Palm's Swirl Press visible at /downloadable from, here.

Admin 19 Feb, 2015


In the latestround-up of revolutionarynews from aroundthe globe, itwasannounced thatWashington may ormay not havebeen amongstthosetaken out ...

Admin 18 Feb, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Prom Minister Toe Knee Ass-Bit has flagged further efforts aimed at securing Australia's borders amid growing concerns about an outbreak...

Admin 17 Feb, 2015


台北市已有6所幼兒園轉型為非營利幼兒園,今年8月將再新增士林區的三玉幼兒園、葫蘆幼兒園,內湖區的新東湖幼兒園。 105學年度新增北投區吉利幼兒園、內湖區康寧幼兒園、大同區辛亥幼兒園,106學年度則是萬華區國興幼兒園、內湖區星雲幼兒園,107學年度則是南港區忠孝幼兒園。 北市教育局...

Admin 17 Feb, 2015

the canyon

Admin 15 Feb, 2015

Celestial Muscles

The most superficial, most Yáng system, mimics Kim Kardashian's facial expression & stylish top- knot, & comes from the merger o...

Admin 13 Feb, 2015


Admin 12 Feb, 2015

wednesday newstrip

The federal Liberal Party voted against a spill motion yesterday, 61 votes to 39, meaning Toe Knee Ass-Bit will remain as Prom Minister ∙ a ...

Admin 10 Feb, 2015

Mirror images of Toe Knee Ass-Bit

This & this. This & this. This & this.

Admin 9 Feb, 2015

notion / nation

Admin 8 Feb, 2015


the surgeon friend of the family who                operates out of & in the local gas station                               is known to...

Admin 7 Feb, 2015

wednesday newstrip

The Prom Minister, Toe Knee Ass-Bit, has dug his hole deeper by repeatedly refusing to deny claims his deputy Julie Bookshop has refused to ...

Admin 3 Feb, 2015