December 2017

geographies: Malmö

Admin 29 Dec, 2017

a transit in interpretation

Admin 27 Dec, 2017

wednesday newstrip

The Dotard receives his Christmas wish. The U.S. has been exorcized from the surface of this planet & now shines gloriously from space. ...

Admin 26 Dec, 2017

the return of the hapsburgs

Admin 24 Dec, 2017

co pro mo

Admin 22 Dec, 2017

now out from gradient books

Circus economies. In this iteration, DoNuts T®ump currently has the top billing under the Big Top, but nobody is sure what rôle he is playin...

Admin 20 Dec, 2017

wednesday newstrip

DoNuts T®ump having difficulty deciding which century to send the United States back to. Settles on the Third, because he's fairly certa...

Admin 19 Dec, 2017

a passage across

Admin 17 Dec, 2017

wednesday newstrip

Bitcoin price surges as Melb couple is accused of horrifically abusing woman kept as slave for 8 years · 'I will kill you.' Coalitio...

Admin 12 Dec, 2017

geographies: Manchester

Admin 9 Dec, 2017

incidental to #3

Admin 7 Dec, 2017

wednesday newstrip

DoNuts T®ump forges ahead with plans to recognise Mar-a-lago as Israel's capital despite warnings. Font on teleprompter wasn’t large eno...

Admin 5 Dec, 2017