June 2015

wednesday newstrip

Speculation is rife that BlackBerry will do the previously unthinkable & release left-handed psychopaths & sociopaths on to the mark...

Admin 30 Jun, 2015

geographies: Cremorne

Admin 28 Jun, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Janet Yellen says it is hard to have great confidence in predicting what the market reaction will be to Iggy Azalea operating an iPhone or i...

Admin 23 Jun, 2015

The Charm v.4

Admin 22 Jun, 2015

wednesday newstrip

The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission is seeking industry feedback on whether or not supplying retail fixed broadband service...

Admin 16 Jun, 2015

hubble bubble

Admin 15 Jun, 2015

[記者會] [會後新聞稿]150612 托盟:地方政府亂定價,引導保母費上漲

托盟:地方政府亂定價,引導保母費上漲         托育政策催生聯盟今日 (15/6/12) 批評,苗栗縣政府近日公告保母每月收費定價,不分時數收費上限皆為 16000 元,副食品上限更高達 2000 。此數據一出,導致原本 10 小時只收 13000 元行情價的保母,反而可「...

Admin 12 Jun, 2015

[記者會][聲明] 150612 嬰幼兒托育,為何「昂貴又危險」?請政府力行「定價+遴選」政策,保障托育平價、優質

嬰幼兒托育,為何「昂貴又危險」? 請政府力行「定價+遴選」政策,保障托育平價、優質 托育政策催生聯盟聲明稿   多年來,托育補助政策引起「政府補多少、保母漲多少」之弊病。荒謬的是,托嬰費任意漲價,也沒有保障品質的功能,幼兒意外事故仍不時震撼社會。   我們主張,政府應痛定思痛,採...

Admin 12 Jun, 2015

[新聞.評論] 嬰兒為何會悶死?

嬰兒為何會被悶死?台灣托嬰制度三大困境是:1. 托育人力篩選不足!2. 謹慎意識訓練不足!3. 私立托嬰中心過於血汗!家庭若不能安心托育,就不能安心工作賺錢;不能安心工作賺錢,政府又怎能期待年輕男女安心生育?我們不能再等事故發生才後悔!! Posted by 托育政策催生聯盟 ...

Admin 11 Jun, 2015

the chariot

Admin 10 Jun, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Asylum seeker boat crashes onto reef after being turned back by an aggressive foreign fish that can move across dry land & choke birds ∙...

Admin 9 Jun, 2015

faux fauve

Admin 7 Jun, 2015


Admin 3 Jun, 2015

wednesday newstrip

To lump the Microsoft Surface three, launched late last month, in the identical class as a woman, 22, shot in the upper leg in a residence b...

Admin 2 Jun, 2015