April 2015

Issue thirty-seven of Otoliths is live

Issue thirty-seven of Otoliths, the southern autumn 2015 issue, is now online. Depending on your time zone, it's either Walpurgisnacht o...

Admin 30 Apr, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Chinese scientists say they've genetically modified human embryos to prepare for an alien invasion, sparking debate over mysterious slow...

Admin 28 Apr, 2015

what's within?

Admin 27 Apr, 2015

Today the postman brought me a life-sized re-enactment of the first crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by a hot air balloon. I almost drowned.

Admin 26 Apr, 2015

Haute Horology

Admin 24 Apr, 2015

Why not Dance, Rrose Sélavy?

Admin 22 Apr, 2015

wednesday newstrip

Australian Prom Minister Toe Knee Ass-Bit Abbott has been caught on camera guzzling a glass of beer seven seconds after being dropped by the...

Admin 21 Apr, 2015

marsch gasses

from won des laits ennuit luddiet meanderthal offencesitterive punnetrate radiosh tractile

Admin 20 Apr, 2015

fan dan go

that's   when he        ended updancing            with the         gypsy             girl

Admin 15 Apr, 2015

wednesday newstrip

It was the perfect recipe for a party—a woolshed, pig on a spit, bonfire, beers, music, & a video allegedly showing Islamic State milita...

Admin 14 Apr, 2015

the flensing

Admin 12 Apr, 2015

do d'all

Admin 11 Apr, 2015

[新聞.評論] 財源困窘、硬體不符-頭份鎮立幼兒園停辦?!

根據 聯合新聞網報導 ,苗栗縣頭份鎮立幼兒園,因為財源困窘、硬體設施不符必須停辦。 但事實上,在幼照法通過後,教育部一直在協助原來的公立托兒所改善設施設備,在104年度,教育部預算書中,亦編列了預算補助直轄市、縣市政府增設公立幼兒園與原公立托兒所改制之幼兒園建築物改善及一般地區幼...

Admin 8 Apr, 2015

wednesday newstrip

A man has been flown to hospital in Bundaberg after being bitten by a pig ∙ a new app will use deforrestation images to help doctors identif...

Admin 7 Apr, 2015

geographies: Sandy Corner

Admin 5 Apr, 2015

Today the postman brought me a ground to air missile launcher with black currant & sweet red capsicum on the nose & under- lying sub...

Admin 4 Apr, 2015

meerkat alert

He was sure there was trickery involved. Hypnotism, or auto-suggestion, induced by the surroundings, the sumptuous meal, the wine. He sensed...

Admin 3 Apr, 2015