July 2021

Visiting the Loggerhead Marinelife Center in Jupiter

Archelon Skeleton  My latest travel found me on the East Coast of Florida for a visit with friends in Jupiter. Pat and I stopped talking lon...

Admin 27 Jul, 2021

Shari Urquhart: Musn't Touch -- in Milwaukee!

Deb, Libbie, Brehmer and me with "Dresser of Disdain" (1990) 83" x 126" I always have to steel myself before entering a ...

Admin 20 Jul, 2021

Bisa Butler: Portraits at the Art Institute of Chicago

"The Safety Patrol" (2018) I love it when a plan comes together. (Yes, I'm quoting the A-Team.) In this case, the plan was hat...

Admin 5 Jul, 2021