October 2019

[記者會] 191029 少子高齡化持續惡化,新生兒亟需國家、社會共養! 托育政策催生聯盟2020年總統大選政策建言

少子高齡化持續惡化 新生兒亟需國家、社會共養! 托育政策催生聯盟 2020 年總統大選政策建言 台灣的少子女化持續惡化,托育政策催生聯盟呼籲,我國未來四年的國家領導人,應制定周全的育兒政策,充分照顧每一階段兒童及其父母,才是足以解決少子女化國家安全問題的有效政策作為,包括: 一、...

Admin 29 Oct, 2019

True Stories from the Hermitage Artist Retreat -- the Leesburg Girls

The Leesburg Girls pose for SNCC photographer Danny Lyon It's a bit of a trek to attend a program at the Hermitage Artist Retreat on Man...

Admin 29 Oct, 2019

[會後新聞稿] 191029 從第一個月開始一起育兒: 用九成薪育嬰假,支持新手父母「並肩作戰」

從第一個月開始一起育兒: 用九成薪育嬰假,支持新手父母「並肩作戰」 108.10.29 托育政策催生聯盟 2020年總統大選政策建言記者會 會後新聞稿 托育政策催生聯盟今早召開記者會喊出:「照顧人民從照顧兒童開始,新生兒國家社會共養」提出兒童照顧政策的四大方針、十項政策(詳見附圖...

Admin 29 Oct, 2019

Performing My Civic Duty

The courthouse Let me be clear about this -- I am not complaining about my recent jury service. After all, it consisted of three measly hour...

Admin 24 Oct, 2019

Chatting with Playwright Lauren Yee

With Lauren Yee at Urbanite Theatre I was alternately thrilled and nervous at the prospect of interviewing playwright Lauren Yee for Urbanit...

Admin 20 Oct, 2019

The Art of Performance -- Rochester Style

The Genesee River High Falls You would never mistake the Rochester Fringe Festival for the Edinburgh Fringe. Among the many differences is p...

Admin 9 Oct, 2019

Discovering Art -- Rochester Style

Three Fujins by Hung Liu (1995) -- Oil on canvas and lacquered bird cages  No trip to Rochester is complete without a visit to the Memorial...

Admin 1 Oct, 2019