August 2019

The Wood Art Gallery, Part 1

The artist told the Woods he always ends up  painting himself despite his intentions when he begins a work. We all have art on our walls. Bu...

Admin 30 Aug, 2019

Margaret Wilkerson Sexton: "A Kind of Freedom"

Margaret Wilkerson Sexton Last week-end, the "Summer with the National Book Awards" tour made a stop in Sarasota thanks to our lib...

Admin 24 Aug, 2019

Diana Khoi Nguyen: "Ghost Of"

Diana Khoi Nguyen On Saturday afternoon, book lovers braved the weather to attend the National Book Foundation event at Selby Library. On ha...

Admin 18 Aug, 2019

[記者會] 190811 「準公共化」保母政策滿周年 請政府:強化居托中心功能+充實保母人力 保障家長安心托育!

「準公共化」保母政策滿周年 請政府:強化居托中心功能+充實保母人力 保障家長安心托育! 托育政策催生聯盟2019年8月政策建言 台灣面臨著嚴峻的低生育率危機。我們知道,要緩解低生育率,必須讓願意生養小孩的家庭養得起兩個孩子;在低薪化時代,這唯有靠著雙薪才能做到;而雙薪,尤其是母...

Admin 13 Aug, 2019

Ginny Ruffner: Reforestration of the Imagination

Ginny Ruffner tree stump The moon walk wasn't my only recent museum experience driven by technology. My trip to DC included a visit with...

Admin 7 Aug, 2019

High -- and low -- brow summer reading

Summer in Florida is the perfect time to pick up a good book, whether you're spending time at the beach or hunkering down with the A/C o...

Admin 2 Aug, 2019