Working with file attachments in a 2007 custom Forms tool
Working with file attachments in a 2007 custom Forms tool
A 2007 custom Forms tool item may include one or more file attachments.
Some file attachment fields provide the following action buttons:
| Click to select one or more files to attach from your file system. |
| Click to launch the selected attachments. If you have editing permission for the item, you can open the file for editing in its application. When you reselect a SharePoint Workspace window, you are prompted to update the tool with any edits you have saved in the file. When you update the tool, the edits are sent to all workspace members. If you do not have editing permission for the item, a read-only version of the file opens in its application. |
| Click to save the selected attachments to a specified location in your file system. |
| Click to delete the selected attachments. |
Other file attachment fields display the attached file as an image.
You can double-click the image to open the file in a supporting application. Right-click the image to see other options.